An American Empire?

Table of Contents

In Essence

With America´s proclaimed war against terrorism almost one year old, questions still remain about the scope of the...

"Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry and Its Ramifications for International Security...

"The Declaration of Independence and International Law" by David Armitage, in The William and Mary Quarterly (Jan. 2002), Box 8781, Williamsburg, Va. 23187–8781.

"Can There Be a Decent Left?" by Michael Walzer, in Dissent (Spring 2002), 310 Riverside Dr., No. 1201, New York, N.Y. 10025.

"Our Tottering Confirmation Process" by Paul C. Light, in The Public Interest (Spring 2002), 1112 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

"A Tale of Two Secretaries" by Eliot A. Cohen, in Foreign Affairs (May–June 2002), 58 E. 68th St., New York, N.Y. 10021.

"Iraq’s Decisions to Go to War, 1980 and 1990" by F. Gregory Gause III, in The Middle East Journal (Winter 2002), 1761 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036–2882.

"Are Giant Companies Taking Over the U.S. Economy?" by Lawrence J. White, in The Milken Institute Review (Second Quarter 2002), 1250 Fourth St., 2nd fl., Santa Monica, Calif. 90401–1353.

"Welfare Reform: The Institutional Dimension" by Lawrence M. Mead, in Focus (special issue, 2002), 1180 Observatory Dr., 3412 Social Science Bldg., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wis. 53706.

"America’s Lost Egalitarian Tradition" by Sean Wilentz, in Daedalus (Winter 2002), Norton’s Woods, 136 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138.

"Slavery and the Black Family" by James Q. Wilson, in The Public Interest, 1112 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

"Bearing Witness to Blackball: Buck O’Neil, the Negro Leagues, and the Politics of the Past" by Daniel A. Nathan in Journal of American Studies (Vol. 35, No. 3), Cambridge Univ. Press, Edinburgh Bldg., Shaftesbury Rd., Cambridge, England CB2 2RU.

"The Prep-School PC Plague" by Heather Mac Donald, in City Journal (Spring 2002), Manhattan Inst., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., 2nd fl., New York, N.Y. 10017.

"The Civilian Casualty Conundrum" by Lucinda Fleeson, in American Journalism Review (Apr. 2002), Univ. of Maryland, 1117 Journalism Bldg., College Park, Md. 20742–7111.

"Media Coverage of the Gallup Poll of ‘The Islamic World’" (Mar. 6, 2002), National Council on Public Polls’ Polling Review Board,; "The Poll That Didn’t Add Up" by Richard Morin and Claudia Deane, The Washington Post (Mar. 23, 2002), 1150 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20071.

"Totalitarianism: Between Religion and Science" by Tzvetan Todorov, in Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions (Summer 2001), Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., Crown House, 47 Chase Side, London N14 5BP, England.

"The Genesis of Shame" by J. David Velleman, in Philosophy & Public Affairs (Winter 2001), Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Journals Publishing Division, P.O. Box 19966, Baltimore, Md. 21211.

"The Scourge of Celibacy" by Garry Wills, in The Boston Globe Magazine (Mar. 24, 2002), P. O. Box 2378, Boston, Mass. 02107–2378.

"The Cult of Castells" by James Crabtree, in Prospect (Feb. 2002), 4 Bedford Sq., London WC1B 3RD, England.

"The Changing Climate for Nuclear Power in the United States" by Richard Meserve, in Bulletin (Winter 2002), American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 136 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138.

"The Future in Your Bones: C. P. Snow (1905–80)" by George Watson, in The Hudson Review (Winter 2002), 684 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10021.

"From Letters to a Young Novelist" by Mario Vargas Llosa, in Partisan Review (No. 2, 2002), 236 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. 02215.

"Nation-Making in Gibraltar: From Fortress Colony to Finance Centre" by David Alvarez, in Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism (Nos. 1–2, 2001), University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada C1A 4P3.

"Fox’s Mexico: Same as It Ever Was?" by Pamela K. Starr, in Current History (Feb. 2002), 4225 Main St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19127.

"New Dimensions of Indian Democracy" by Susanne Hoeber Rudolph and Lloyd I. Rudolph, and "India’s Multiple Revolutions" by Sumit Ganguly, in Journal of Democracy (Jan. 2002), 1101 15th St., N.W., Ste. 800, Washington, D.C. 20005.

Book Reviews

THE SHIELD OF ACHILLES: War, Peace, and the Course of History. By Philip Bobbitt. Knopf. 919 pp. $40

THE WILKOMIRSKI AFFAIR: A Study in Biographical Truth. By Stefan Maechler. Schocken. 496 pp. $16.95 A LIFE IN PIECES: The Making and Unmaking of Binjamin Wilkomirski. By Blake Eskin. Norton. 251 pp. $25.95

ROBERT NOZICK. By A. R. Lacey. Princeton Univ. Press. 248 pp. $17.95

INVARIANCES: The Structure of the Objective World. By Robert Nozick. Harvard Univ. Press. 416 pp. $35


Few thinkers are more difficult to categorize than architect Christopher Alexander. Is he a visionary genius of the built world? An intolerant utopian? A New Age Martha Stewart for narcissists? Or all of the above?

Wendy Kohn

Throughout its history, Ukraine has straddled the border between East and West. Now, barely a decade after breaking away from the crumbling Soviet Union, it is leaning strongly toward Europe. But Europe is wary.

Nancy Popson

How does America's global power compare with that of the great empires of the past?

Martin Walker

Advocates of empires will face big challenges at home as well as abroad.

Andrew J. Bacevich

Since 9/11, the United States has pursued both "arrogant unilateralism" and "reflexive multilateralism." Could there be a third way?

Michael Lind

In some realms, America's future interests will be better advanced by law; in others, by power. The challenge is to determine which is which.

Michael J. Glennon

American democracy is a fine soil for growing the great oaks of freedom and opportunity, but that same rich earth has also been especially accommodating to the rank weed of snobbery. There’sno aristocracy of birth to keep Americans in their place. Envy and scorn send them up—and down—in the society.

Joseph Epstein