In Essence

Robert S. Erikson, in
Of Endorsements American Journal of Political Science
(May 1976), 5980 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich. 48202.
Can the mass media, endorsing a particular candidate, persuade a significant number of voters to switch their votes? Florida State Uni- versity political scientist Erikson studies the 1964 presidential election and answers yes, in limited situations. In 1964, traditionally Republi- can newspapers endorsed Democratic nominee Lyndon Johnson, over his GOP rival, Senator Barry...

Ludendorff as part of a defensive doctrine for trench warfare. Crediting Hutier with all this was the work of Allied print media, beginning with the French, who, Alfoldi suggests, needed an enemy "genius" to explain a shocking setback and preferred one with a French name and Huguenot ancestors.

A Good Theater "Toward an Architecture of the Theater as a Human Art" Martin Bloom, in Is Hard to Find the AIA Journal (June 1976), 1735 New York Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C...

George Rediscovering Woodcock, in The American Scholar
The Noble Savase (Summer 1976), 1811 Q st., N.w., Wash-
ington, D.C. 20009.
Although many scholars have studied vanishing primitive cultures, few
have asked why civilized man is so fascinated nowadays what Euro-
peans used to call "savage cultures." Woodcock, editor of Canadian
Literature, writes that Portuguese voyages to Africa and the discovery
of America first brought Europeans into contact with primitive peo-

George Rediscovering Woodcock, in The American Scholar
The Noble Savase (Summer 1976), 1811 Q st., N.w., Wash-
ington, D.C. 20009.
Although many scholars have studied vanishing primitive cultures, few
have asked why civilized man is so fascinated nowadays what Euro-
peans used to call "savage cultures." Woodcock, editor of Canadian
Literature, writes that Portuguese voyages to Africa and the discovery
of America first brought Europeans into contact with primitive peo-

the black man under the tutelage of an industrialized Simon Legree. It is an image to which many, North and South, re- sponded-and still do."

"Ocean Boundaries and Petroleum Re- Making Sensible sources" Hollis D. Hedberg, in Sci-Ocean Boundaries ence (Mar. 1976), 1515 Massachusetts
Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
Proposals to set international boundaries at 200 nautical miles from a nation's coast have the advantage of simplicity but little else t...
