Cleaning Up the Volga

Cleaning Up the Volga

winderosionin the 1950s*hartduring thef930s.
"'l'he Mew Soviet Environmental Pro-gram: Da dieSoviets Really Mean Bud-ness?"by^UDe,QmofeU,towArf-icy CSuirnpW-PRQ,Joanab Dcpt., John Wifey &Sora,,W.,605 ThirdAve-, New YflA N.K. -6;
hi 1973, the Soviet ~nion~aulicheditsfiÃ?Ë?itbq@@ inthe-Moacow
program,&me^ environmental

especially at irnpttwil^-w,quaBty
area and the tttraiae, where 80 perm&(rf^fiet industrial and ag-ridtaral production is concentrated and where d...

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