The Promise & Perils of the New Economy

Table of Contents

In Essence

"Neither Machiavellian Moment nor Possessive Individualism: Commercial Society and the Defenders of the English Commonwealth" by Steve Pincus, in American Historical Review (June 1998), 914 Atwater, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind. 47405.

"Woodrow Wilson and Administrative Reform" by Kendrick A. Clements, in Presidential Studies Quarterly (Spring 1998), 208 E. 75th St., New York, N.Y. 10021.

"The Rising Hegemony of Mass Opinion" by Paul J. Quirk and Joseph Hinchliffe, in Journal of Policy History (1998, No. 1), 221 N. Grand Blvd., Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. 63103.

"The War Powers Resolution: Time to Say Goodbye" by Louis Fisher and David Gray Adler, in Political Science Quarterly (Spring 1998), 475 Riverside Dr., Ste. 1274, New York, N.Y. 10115–1274.

"Women, Biology, and World Politics" by Francis Fukuyama, in Foreign Affairs (Sept.–Oct. 1998), 58 E. 68th St., New York, N.Y. 10021.

"Bourgeois Virtue and the History of P and S" by Deirdre N. McCloskey, in The Journal of Economic History (June 1998), Dept. of Economics, Northwestern Univ., 2003 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, Ill. 60208–2600.

"Arthur Burns and Inflation" by Robert L. Hetzel, in Economic Quarterly (Winter 1998), Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, P.O. Box 27622, Richmond, Va. 23261.

"Who Owns What: The Things We Know That Are Not So" by John C. Weicher, in American Outlook (Spring 1998), 5395 Emerson Way, Indianapolis, Ind. 46226.

"Black Migration to the South Reaches Record Highs in 1990s" by William H. Frey, in Population Today (Feb. 1998), Population Reference Bureau, 1875 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Ste. 520, Washington, D.C. 20009–5728.

"Transitions in Family Structure and Adolescent Well-Being" by Ed Spruijt and Martijn de Goede, in Adolescence (Winter 1997), Libra Publishers, Inc., 3089C Clairemont Dr., Ste. 383, San Diego, Calif. 92117.

"Rooting the Home Team" by David Morris and Daniel Kraker, in The American Prospect (Sept.–Oct. 1998), P.O. Box 383080, Cambridge, Mass. 02238; "Sports Stadium Boondoggle" by Mark F. Bernstein, in The Public Interest (Summer 1998), 1112 16th St. N.W., Ste. 530, Washington, D.C. 20036.

"Are Public Housing Projects Good for Kids?" by Janet Currie and Aaron Yelowitz, NBER Working Paper No. 6305 (Dec. 1997), National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138.

"Missing the Story at the Statehouse" by Charles Layton and Mary Walton, in American Journalism Review (July–Aug. 1998), 8701 Adelphi Rd., Adelphi, Md. 20783–1716.

"Chaining the Alternatives" by Eric Bates, in The Nation (June 29, 1998), 33 Irving Pl., New York, N.Y. 10003.

"The Christian Democracy of Glenn Tinder and Jacques Maritain," by Robert P. Kraynak, in Perspectives on Political Science (Spring 1998), 1319 18th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036–1802.

"At Last, Zion: Israel and the Fate of the Jews," by Charles Krauthammer, in The Weekly Standard (May 11, 1998), 1150 17th St., Washington, D.C. 20036–4617; "Jews against Israel," by Susan Greenberg, in Prospect (June 1998), 4 Bedford Sq., London, WC1B 3RA, England.

"History and the Scientific Worldview" by William H. McNeill, in History and Theory (Feb. 1998), Blackwell Publishers, 350 Main St., Malden, Mass. 02148.

"The Quest for the Essence of Sleep" by Alexander A. Borbély and Guilio Tononi, in Daedelus (Spring 1998), 136 Irving St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138.

"Does Evolutionary History Take Million-Year Breaks?" by Richard A. Kerr, in Science (Oct. 24, 1997), 1200 New York Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

"In Defense of Recycling" by Allen Hershkowitz, in Social Research (Spring 1998), New School for Social Research, 66 W. 12th St., New York, N.Y. 10011.

"The Indian Conquest of Catholic Art" by Gauvin Alexander Bailey, in Art Journal (Spring 1998), College Art Assn., 275 Seventh Ave., New York, N.Y. 10001.

"In Defense of Music Row" by Bruce Feiler, in the Oxford American (1998: No.21–22), P.O. Box 1156, Oxford, Miss. 38655.

The late distinguished critic Alfred Kazin (1915–98) recalls in The American Scholar (Spring 1998) when artists discovered his city—and he discovered them.

"Simple Hearts: An Address regarding the Consequences of Supply-Side Aesthetics" by Dave Hickey, in Art Issues (Summer 1998), 8721 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 6, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069.

“Miracle on the Vistula” by Elizabeth Pond, in The Washington Quarterly (Summer 1998), CSIS, 1800 K St. N.W., Ste. 400, Washington, D.C. 20006.

In the North Korean communist regime’s “far-reaching system of terror, degradation, and slave labor,” an estimated 200,000 people are now being held in more than 10 different prison camps for such “crimes” as reading a foreign newspaper or complaining about the food situation, report the editors of Journal of Democracy (July 1998). Sun Ok Lee, who served a five-year prison term and later defected to South Korea, tells of her experience in the “North Korean gulag”:

"Taking India Seriously" by James Manor and Gerald Segal, in Survival (Summer 1998), International Institute for Strategic Studies, 23 Tavistock St., London WC2E 7NQ England.

"Somalia: Political Order in a Stateless Society" by Ken Menkhaus, and "Somaliland Goes It Alone" by Gerard Prunier, in Current History (May 1998), 4225 Main St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19127.

Reviews of new research at public agencies and private institutions

Book Reviews

THE GOOD CITIZEN: A History of American Civic Life.By Michael Schudson. Free Press. 390 pp. $27.50

ANTON CHEKHOV: A Life. By Donald Rayfield. Henry Holt. 674 pp. $35 CHEKHOV: The Hidden Ground. By Philip Callow. Ivan R. Dee. 428 pp. $30


As the 20th century ends, legions of the powerful--politicians, intellectuals, journalists, business leaders, and visionaries--are embarking on what can only be called pilgrimages.

J. Bradford De Long

Seventy years ago, W. I. Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas proclaimed one of sociology's most influential ideas: "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." Their case in point was a prisoner who attacked people he heard mumbling absent-mindedly to themselves.

Edward Tenner

The new very broadband high capacity networks . . . ought to be built by the federal government and then transitioned into private industry.
--Vice President-elect Al Gore, at the December 1992 postelection economic summit in Little Rock

Leslie D. Simon

Digital technology is opening up new worlds of potential, few more enticing than the emerging global marketplace....

Pamela Samuelson

Longevity alone makes Byzantium remarkable. Lasting almost 1,200 years, it outlived all of the other great empires. More impressive than mere age are the reach and influence of its civilization. Russians, Serbs, Bulgarians, and others owe to Byzantium, in varying degrees, their Christianity, their literacy, and the beginnings of their art, literature, and architecture. Yet for all that, the Byzantine Empire has been slighted or misconstrued, even bysome notable historians. To see the Byzantine recordclearly, our author argues, is to understand not only aonce and great power but a civilizing force thatcontinues to shape the contemporary world.

Warren Treadgold

Philosopher Hannah Arendt's famous explanation of the evil that produced the Holocaust and other 20th-century horrors falls short of adequate.

Stephen Miller

The idea of an untouched Arcadia is an illusion we can no longer afford.

Marilynne Robinson