In Essence

THE SOURCE: “Candidates Matter: Policy and Quality Differences in Congressional Elections” by Matthew K. Buttice and Walter J. Stone, in The Journal of Politics, July 2012.

Photo of American soldier greeting members of the Sons of Iraq by The U.S. Army via flickr

THE SOURCE: “Testing the Surge” by Stephen Biddle, Jeffrey A. Friedman, and Jacob N. Shapiro, in International Security, Summer 2012.

THE SOURCE: “Botching the Bomb” by Jacques Hymans, in Foreign Affairs, May–June 2012.

THE SOURCE: “The For-Profit Postsecondary School Sector: Nimble Critters or Agile Predators?” by David J. Deming, Claudia Goldin, and Lawrence F. Katz, in Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2012.

THE SOURCE: “Dangerous Tales: Dominant Narratives on the Congo and Their Unintended Consequences” by Séverine Autesserre, in African Affairs, April 2012.

THE SOURCE: “‘The Big Sort’ That Wasn’t: A Skeptical Re-examination” by Samuel J. Abrams and Morris P. Fiorina, in PS: Political Science and Politics, April 2012.

THE SOURCE: “Angry Words” by Tom Bartlett, in The Chronicle Review, April 6, 2012.

THE SOURCE: “The Enduring Madrasa Myth” by C. Christine Fair, in Current History, April 2012.

THE SOURCE: “Voting and Vice: Criminal Disenfranchisement and the Reconstruction Amendments” by Richard M. Re and Christopher M. Re, in The Yale Law Journal, May 2012.

THE SOURCE: “A Quiet Revolution” by Peter Kellner, in Prospect, March 2012.
