
Days after staring down the August 1991 coup attempt, Russian President Boris Yeltsin boasted a 90 percent...

Looking at the present condition of my country. . . . I cannot but wonder at the short time in which morals in...

Russia has always done the unexpected. The Soviet system emerged suddenly after 1917. When it seemed fragile, it...

In the blink of a shutter, photography has the power to document our fragmented world and capture its elusiveness.

At particular moments in history, the presidency has required different talents and ambitions of those who held the office, from managing a crisis to maneuvering Congress to moving the nation. No two figures better illustrate the variety of qualities the office demands than Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.

The Third Way represents the triumph of American-style democratic capitalism in Europe. Does America still hold a monopoly on the qualities that make it unique?

The millennium has spawned many reappraisals of human history but none quite like the narrative that Professor Anders Henriksson has assembled from choice insights found in student papers over the years. In the hands of these young scholars, the past truly does become a foreign country.

Summaries of recent papers and discussions at the Wilson Center

What's behind the wave of sensational revelations about Cold War espionage?

Ancient Rome's long reign over the Western imagination ended in the 19th century with the elevation of the Greeks--an error we should reverse, the author says.  
