
Words may be failing economists and others who characterize the economic downturn that began in 2008 as “the Great Recession.” “Mini-Depression” may be more like it.

When wages stagnate and inequality rises, Americans try to borrow their way toward the American dream. Inevitably, the bubble bursts. But we can learn from the lessons of 1929.


The role of the welfare state in today’s economic crisis recalls the part played by the gold standard in the calamitous 1930s.

A peculiar experiment inspired by the Enlightenment sheds light on the age-old question of what makes us human.

The German philosopher whose ideas would leave an indelible mark on Europe was embraced by Americans eager to see in him a reflection of their own image.


Pakistan’s remote and poorly understood tribal region has emerged as key to the future of both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

To see how the world will eventually right today’s massive trade imbalances, look to the Atlantic, not the Pacific.

Thousands of soldiers are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with deep psychological scars. Posttraumatic stress disorder is a common diagnosis—but is it the right one?


The acclaimed biographer Michael Scammell discusses the peculiar challenges and delights of his craft.

The college-educated share of America’s population has barely increased in years. The key to reviving mass higher education may be to rethink the divide between high school and college.
