In Essence

military revolts and internal disorder within a nuclear-armed country.
One dilemma is the extent to which our own sophisticated safe- guards against accidental or unauthorized detonation should be shared with countries not bound the Non-Proliferation Treaty. While the United States may not wish to reward these nations by offering them advanced technology to guard against misuse, some of the most effec- tive American safeguards involve electronic locking devices and other design features which render...

The Debtor's Countryman, in The Nation (Sept. 4,
Dilemma 1976), 333 Sixth Ave., New York, N.Y.
The Federal Bankruptcy Act falls far short of giving the debtor the
"fresh start" the Supreme Court said was one of the law's primary
purposes, writes Countryman, professor of law at Harvard. It's like
"applying a Band-Aid to a gaping wound."
Originally passed Congress in 1898, the Act was last revised sig-
nificantly in 1938 and still reflects the attitudes and...
