
buffalo hunters who wasted more than they took. But the record shows an abid- ing, if somewhat erratic, public concern for the well-being of the American environment. Since 1970, the country has been en-gaged in an unprecedented effort to clean up its air and water, as the chart indicates. And of late, there has been a revival of the turn-of-the-century notion that natural resources are not limitless. Here, conservationist J. Clarence Davies I11 sketches the historical antecedents of the present...

David P. Bayash
More than 100 years after The Origin of the Species was first published, students of behavior are finally coming to grips with Darwin's message. It's about time. The behavioral sciences in gen- eral-and social science in pal-ticular-have long suffered from an inferiority complex relative to the "harder" sciences, notably chemistry and physics. Even a cursory reading of the classic texts , in these areas, such as Linus Pauling's General Chemistry and Richard Feynman's Lectures...
