
fter the revolutions of 1989 tions on the remnants of Soviet colonialism.
brought down communism in This oversight is puzzling, if not tragic, be-
Eastern Europe, many of the po- cause Hamilton was perhaps the most practi-
litical and intellectual leaders of cal nation builder among the Founding Fa- the emerging democracies turned for thers. Thanks largely to his vision guidance to the United States. and energy, the United States Americans of all political per- became what it is today: a suasions...

The race is on to build the information superhighway.

on the


An Englishman in Moscow, by K. Malevich

Shortages of all kinds contribute to Russia's turmoil today, but none is more damaging than the dearth of meaningful language. Anatoly Naiman here tells how decades of totalitarian rule have enfeebled language, making political discussion next to impossible and paving the way for the ascent of extremists.
t happened in Moscow sometime in the his own. Naturally, lus application was t...

John Ralston Saul, the Ganadian novelist and essayist, would probably have felt meat home in the 18th centu y,a centuy he visited in Voltaire's Bastards(1992). But he would likely have steered the Enlightenment toward a somewhat different conclusion. %Age of Reason, in Saul's view,has brought too much certainty to todays world, from politicians who think themselves the panacea for the world's ills to a populace mesmerized by the authority of "experts." As he suggested in that...

By Theoy Possessed

y father offered few words on the state of the world, but the few he volunteered were usually shrewd. I remember, in particular, what
he used to say about college tuitions-"The more you pay, the less you seem to go."
Alas, my father didn't know the half of it. It was not merely that steeper tuitions bought less time. They also bought less content. A grossly oversimplified history may help ex- plain.
Beginning in the mid-1960s or thereabouts, a revolution o...


Selected and Introduced by Antlzony Heckt
I f I were still teaching graduate students in modern English and Ameri- can poetry and had assigned to me an especially gifted student, widely conversant with the whole rich canon from, say, Chaucer right up to the last minute, a student who was enthusiastic, willing to work, irnagi-
native, painstaking, and keenly sensitive to poetic nuance, I think I could do him or her no greater favor than to suggest a careful poem-by-poem comrnen- t...

Political argument is so obsessed with leadership that it might seem per- verse to claim that it is a local pas- sion, not a universal one, and that even in the United States it has been intermit- tent and not constant. It is certainly a claim that would be hard to make in a gathering of orthodox social scientists. It would be equally hard to persuade the public. American politi- cians and voters are much concerned with as- sorted "crises of leadership" as described in the contemporary...

In 1879 the brilliant young New England conservative Henry Cabot Lodge accepted for publication in the International Review a rousing essay calling for revived presidential leadership.

The enduring fascination with
Frank Lloyd Wright~evinced most
recently by this year's retrospective at the
Museum of Modern Art-is a
tribute to an architectural
genius whose distinctive style
'spoke, and still speaks,
to most Americans."
Last summer, hav-
ing accepted a position at the University of
Pennsylvania, I came to Philadelphia to look
for a house. Going through the pages of a real
estate agent's directory, I chanced upon a post-
age stamp-size photograph of a...

Egon Scliiele's 1914 Man and Woman (Liebespar)

Wmt strikes some as an absurd tempest in a teapot is to others a crucial battle in the gender wars. Neither side gets the larger point of the date-rape controversy, says Nelson Aldrich.

ate rape, whirlpooling, lcziltw-rape in Bosnia, the Spur Posse in South-ern California, the Manassas penis cutter-sexual horror stories

shuddered through the media last year, each paroxysm more horrible than the last.
The eroti...
