
Would Abe Lincoln have raised an eyebrow over Bill Clinton's guest list for the Lincoln bedroom? Probably not. Long ago, "Honest Abe" had his men generously sprinkle "material aid" among voters in New York.

Politics and daily life in Romania since 1989 have been as strange, andat times as sinister, as they were during the 24-year rule of Nicolae Ceausescu. Three recent events—two weddings and a funeral—drew the author into the absurdist drama of postcommunist Romania.

Art history may be mired in theoretical trendiness or academic stodginess, but Leo Steinberg's fiercely original readings of past and present works restore life to the meaning of tradition.

Many Americans have embraced Buddhism and made it their own, but deep rifts among varied sects threaten their future unless they can find common ground.

Perhaps nothing reveal the true character of Victorian England--or has proved more enduring--than its literature.

Victorian England--named for the queen who presided over the world's largest empire--is, ironically, remembered most vividly in India, not Britain.

[Introduction to "cluster" articles]

[Introduction to "cluster" articles]
