
Time is one of the more confounding products of civilization. While rooted
in nature, it is measured, cut, and consumed in different ways in different
cultures—though rarely satisfactorily in modern ones. In the West, a temporal
system that began as a means of increasing our nearness to God has since

The poetry of Eugenio Montale selected and introduced by Anthony Hecht

The poetry of Pablo Neruda selected and introduced by Edward Hirsch

Defying all predictions, rural America is coming back. What's behind the sudden influx of people and businesses, and will it ruin what's cherished most?

How one Kansas town is coping with change.

Pondering the new disturbed landscape and its meanings.

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov is a potential successor to Boris Yeltsin. But will his urban corporatism solve his country's economic woes?

The Spanish-American War of 1898 propelled the United States into an experiment with empire that still colors America's relations with the world.  

A movement to dismantle Italy’s elaborate corporatist state is under way in Rome, but the outcome is far from certain.
