
Shakespeare's Tempest is just one place Cubans are looking as they try to imagine the post-Fidel future.  

No anniversary of Hiroshima passes without reminding the world of the vast power revealed by the deceptively simple formula E=mc2. But Albert Einstein’s famous equation had another career, illuminating, among other things, the origins of the universe and its likely end. In one important chapter of that career a young scientist named Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (1900–79) played the leading role.

The American presidency--America itself--has never been the same since Lyndon Baines Johnson assumed the office in November 1963. Here a historian details the emerging revisionist view of his presidency.

Two of Lyndon Johnson's closest aides, Harry McPherson and Jack Valenti, recalled the White House years at a Wilson Center Director's Forum last fall.

This year's election is sure to bring more lamentations about voter apathy. No less striking is the appalling political ignorance of the American electorate.

William Butler Yeats took to the radio in the 1930s with poetry that he hoped would sound a public theme and stir the public interest.

The family farm in America has all but vanished, and with it we are losing centuries of social and civic wisdom imparted by the agrarian life.

Summaries of recent papers, studies, and meetings at the Wilson Center

I was introduced to Vladimir Putin's KGB in the summer of 1981. I was in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the city...

More than three months after Boris Yeltsin startled the world by resigning in favor of Vladimir Putin, Western...
