
The American scholar spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "Not since Rome," he said, "has a single power...

To the French, the winner of the American presidential election in 2000 was Bill Clinton. Political commentators...

Denial is at the heart of the relationship between the Arab and Muslim worlds and America.

In a recent survey of Chinese attitudes toward America, the respondents--a cross-section of Chinese society--were...

Fifteen years ago, as I was setting off to visit the United States for my first extended stay, a knowledgeable...

Mexico's perceptions of the United States have changed very little during the past five decades. What has undergone a total transformation, however, is the atmosphere in which they are formed. This change reached its culmination with the defeat of the long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) at the polls on July 2, 2000, and the presidential victory of Vicente Fox....

When Russia began emerging from decades of international isolation and confrontation with the West in the years...

Did the popular belief that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination grow from a seed planted by the Soviet KGB?

Human beings can´t help but ask the big philosophical questions, even if they know that the answers will come up short.

A scholarly effort to tally the human cost of communism around the world has stirred enormous controversy. One of its authors explains why.
