
Why are the Chinese such legendary savers? The answers shed light on why that habit is about to change.

An era of debt-fueled consumption has come to an end, and with it the economic culture that created it. If government is going to fill in for consumers, it will need to be smart about how it spends.

Maps are not always works of dutiful representation. Sometimes they are tickets to flights of the imagination.

To imagine Central Asia’s future, we must journey into its remarkable past.

In a world so saturated in connectivity that every last oddball can find a poll, a pie chart, or an online pal to confirm that he's not alone, there are still some gaps that can't be bridged.

America’s enduring love affair with big spending is fetching up against some unromantic realities. But a lifelong saver assures us that there are worse fates than socking it away for a rainy day.

The global economic crisis has some surprising causes, but who would have guessed that overzealous saving was one of them?

As scientists tease out the human genome's secrets, it's easy to seize on our genetic differences, which are small and often inconclusive. But the surprising ancestral connections that our DNA reveals are the big story in the post-genome world.

Throughout history, many intellectuals have been willing to write their society's obituary long before the game was up.

Photo by ashleywilson2 via flickr

It’s no cause for celebration, but the global financial crisis shows why the United States remains the indispensable nation.
