
The fall of the Berlin Wall was a dramatic moment in time. In the minds of many East Germans, it was years in the making.

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40 The Perverse in the popular by Martha Bayles Tke Art in tke "I remember, in the course of making Speed, I learned Hamlet," says Reeves. What does that tell us about Speed? "It ain't Shakespeare." -Interview with Keanu Reeves, Rolling StoneI have just finished writing a book titled Gilligan Unbound: Pop Culture in the Age of Globalization. That may not sound so odd, until I reveal how I have spent the rest of my life. Most of my scholarly career has beendevoted to Sha...

Martin Walkerarthquakes, usually the most costly in human lives of all natural clis-asters, tend to be utterly unrelieved calamities. But the deaths ofsome 18,000 Turks on August 17, 1999, may be remembered as asacrifice that inspired a kind of miracle. Measuring 7.4on the Richter scale, the quake devastated the grim but bustling industrial city of izmit and the packed tenements around the nearTurkish naval base of Golciik on the Sea of Marmara. Across the Bosporus in Istanbul, now the most...

[Intro to "cluster" of articles on child rearing]

Roger Brown16 Kenneth Johnson and Calvin Beale explore the rural rebound 28 Rob Gurwitt looks at how one Kansas town is coping with change 37 Frederick Taylor ponders the new disturbed landscape and its meanings Kenneth M. Johnson and Calvin L. BealeFor most of the 20th century, the story of rural America was an epic of decline. American agriculture prospered, but mechanization and the changing economics of farming drove millions from the land. In the smaller towns and cities, eco- nomic o...


Morton KellerThe large business corporation has a firm place in the American imagination as the dark repository of private power. There are no more reliable villains on TVor in movieland than these shadowy? soulless7 omnipresent institutions and the faceless? greedy men and women who serve them. And yet today as much as ever before? cor- porations are accepted as the driving engines of our economy7 as the places where most of us work. It sometimes seems that corporations in America are what lying...
