The Puzzle of Leni Riefenstahl

The Puzzle of Leni Riefenstahl

Steven Bach

At 100, Leni Riefenstahl--"Hitler's filmmaker"--is indeed her own monument, the diva who won't go away.

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0m 41sec

Leni Riefenstahl—“Hitler’s filmmaker”—must have hoped that her 100th birthday this past August would bring that final rehabilitation of reputation for which she has worked with awe-inspiring tenacity since the Thousand-Year Reich collapsed and took her career with it. But the birthday changed nothing: Riefenstahl remains the most important female film director in history, and the most controversial. In Germany, she’s a reminder of the unrepentant bad old days—not those of the Reich, for which a simple mea culpa might earn her some measure of the rehabilitation she craves, but of the postwar period, in which confronting issues of guilt and complicity, however imperfectly or painfully, became for Germans a process that was genuinely searching rather than merely defensive.

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