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by C. Martin Wilbur
Columbia, 1976, 413 pp.
L of C 76-18200

edited by Edward Bacon
Bobbs-Merrill, 1976, 428 pp.
L of C 76-10081

edited by
Stanley W. Lindberg
Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1976, 358 pp. $12.95
L of C 76-9845

1971: A Documentary Record
655 pp. $24.50
L of C 75-13518

by Joseph A. Pechman
Brookings, 1977,401 pp.
$11.95 cloth, $4.95 paper
L of C 76-54901

by Leonard Silk and
David Vogel
Simon & Schuster, 1976
251 pp. $8.95
L of C 76-14461

by Mahbub Ul Haq
Columbia, 1976, 247 pp.
$12.50 cloth, $5.95 paper
L of C 76-7470

edited by Nancy J. Hafkin
and Edna G. Bay
Stanford, 1976,306 pp. $15
L of C 75-44901

by David Douglas Duncan
Norton 1976, 113 pp. $12.50
L of C 76-5571

by Andres Segovia
Macmillan, 1976,207 pp.
L of c 76-42291
