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by Theodora Kroeber
Univ. of Calif., 1976
262 pp. $14.95
L of C 75-36501

by General Maxwell
D. Taylor
Norton, 1976, 143 pp. $7,9
L of C 76-5798

by Norman and
Jeanne MacKenzie
Simon & Schuster, 1977
446 pp. $12.95
L of C 76-41350

by Alvin Z. Rubinstein
Princeton, 1977,383 pp.
$25 cloth, $9.95 paper
L of C 76-3021

by Steven J. Novak
Harvard, 1977,218 pp. $10
L of C 76-43109

by Golo Mann
Holt, 1976,909 pp. $22.50
L of C 76-4721

by Rhoads Murphey
Univ. of Mich., 1977
299 pp., $16.50
L of c 76-27279

by Herbert Y. Schandle
Princeton, 1977
419 pp.., $16.50
L of C 76-24297

the rioting black youths of Soweto outside Johannesburg. The Re- public's future as a locus of Western investment, a friendly mili- tary power, and prosperous citadel of white supremacy is again a matter of scholarly speculation and much debate. Our Back- ground Books cover the entire area of Southern Africa. Our essayists focus on South Africa. Historian Lewis H. Gann ex-amines the peculiar white experience which has so strongly shaped Pretoria's politics. Political scientist Gwendolen Carter reviews...
