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by Peter Hoffman
M.I.T., 1977, 847 pp. $19.95
L of C 76-0824

by Jennie-Keith Ross
Univ. of Chicago, 1977
227 pp. $13.50
L of C 76-8103

edited by Carroll S. Clark
and Kathleen A. Preciado
National Collection of
Fine Arts & Smithsonian
1977,216 pp.
$25 cloth, $15.50 paper
L of C 76-58522

by L. D. and Helen
S. Ettlinger
Oxford, 1977,216 pp.
$10.95 cloth, $6.50 paper
L of C 76-26747

by Juan Jose Arreola
Univ. of Texas, 1977
154 pp. $10
L of C 76-48981

by Yoshikazu Shirakawa
Abramsl 1977, 128 pp. g18.s0
L of C 76-47575

edited by John Burbank and
Peter Steiner
Yale, 1977,238 pp. $15
L of C 76-49733

by Ann Douglas
Knopf, 1977,403 pp. $15
L of C 76-47923

by Jane Lagoudis Pirchin
Princeton, 1977, 245 pp. $13,50
L of C 76-3014
