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by Shlomo Reutlinger and
Marcel0 Sclowsky
Johns Hovkins. 1976
96 pp. $4.75 (paper only)
L of C 76-17240

by H. Gordon Skilling
Princeton, 1976, 924 pp.
$45 cloth, $15 paper
L of c 75-30209

by Theodore H. Moran
Princeton, 1974,286 pp.
$14 cloth, $4.95 paper
L of C 74-2973

by Charles T. Goodsell
Harvard, 1974,272 pp. $1
L of C 73-85888

by Daniel Field
Harvard, 1976
472 pp. $17.50
L of C 75-23191

edited by William Warren
Bartley I11
Potter, 1977
497 pp. $14.95
L of C 76-20589

by Henry Steele Commager
Doubleday/Anchor, 1977
342 pp. $10
L of C 76-2837

by Richard Lebeaux
Univ. of Mass., 1977
262 pp. $12.50
L of C 76-44851
