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the Stanford Arms Control Group, edited John H. Barton and Lawrence
D. Weiler (Stanford, 1976, cloth & paper). Mention is made of Isaiah 2:4 (8th century B.c.), "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks"; of a disarmament conference of 14 feudal states held in 546 B.C. in Honan, China, ending a 70-year series of wars; of pre-Renaissance "rules of warfare" (includ- ing the Mohammedan ban on poison-ing wells); of Columbia University...

Technology has infatuated the American people for at least a hundred years, but only in the 1970s have significant portions of society begun to raise questions about its costs in energy, about environmental damage, and unexplored alterna- tives. Nuclear weapons are surely the most deadly product of that love affair. Since the late 1940s, the United States has based its security overwhelmingly on atomic and hydrogen warheads. Could we have prevented a nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union? Probably...

Samuel F. Wells, Jr.
Technology has infatuated the American people for at least a hundred years, but only in the 1970s have significant portions of society begun to raise questions about its costs in energy, about environmental damage, and unexplored alterna- tives. Nuclear weapons are surely the most deadly product of that love affair. Since the late 1940s, the United States has based its security overwhelmingly on atomic and hydrogen warheads. Could we have prevented a nuclear arms race with...

A year ago, American newspapers headlined the election
defeat of the prime architects of Sweden's famed welfare
state, the Social Democrats, who were suddenly out of power
for the first time since 1932. The shift prompted new looks by
scholars at the future of Sweden's controversial, oft-

For decades the Swedish welfare state has simultaneously fascinated and troubled outsiders. After the rise of the Social Democrats to long-term political power in 1932 and their subsequent success in initiating a comprehensive program of social and educational reforms, sympathetic Western jour- nalists and social scientists began to celebrate the Swedish system as a "middle way" between capitalism and socialism, a "model for the world," and the "world's most modern society." L...

Few Americans, even those who know a bit about Sweden, have ever heard of the Swedish economist, Gosta Rehn. Nor have they heard of the so-called Rehn model named after him. But understanding the controversial Rehn model is crucial to understanding where Sweden has come from and where it may be going. First, the Rehn model of the economy has embodied Sweden's recipe for combining economic growth with in-creased wage equality-and full employment with controlled inflation. It has also illustrated t...
