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by Robert Lowell
Farrar, 1977, 138 pp. $8.95
L of C 77-6799

by Langdon Gilkey
Seabury, 1976
446 pp. $19.95
L of C 76-29738

by Amory B. Lovins
Ballinger, 1977, 233 pp.

by James Schlesinger et al.
Basic Books, 1977
255 pp. $13.95

edited by Stanley J.
Idzerda et al.
Cornell, 1977,
487 pp. $18.50
L of C 76-50268

by Judith M. Gansberg Crowell, 1977
234 pp. s9.95

by Arthur Walworth Norton,1977
309 pp. $14.95
