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"Paul VI at Eighty" James V. Schall, S.J., in Worldview (Oct. 1977), P.O. Box 986, Farmingdale, N.Y.11735.
Although the papacy has generally enjoyed high prestige in the 20th century, Pope Paul VI (elected in 1963) has received "an unaccountably bad press," especially from Roman Catholics. Critics have found him contradictory, insensitive, and lacking in leadership. His opposition to birth control has sparked controversy and dou...

Michael N. Dobkowski, in Anti-Semitism American Quarterly (Summer 1977), 4025
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19174.
American historians have had to face the task of reconciling widespread anti-Jewish prejudice during the late 19th and early 20th centuries with a society generally regarded as democratic and libertarian. But stressing the "transitory" social and economic roots of prejudice, con- tends Dobkowski, professor of religion at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, scholars have...

Michael N. Dobkowski, in Anti-Semitism American Quarterly (Summer 1977), 4025
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19174.
American historians have had to face the task of reconciling widespread anti-Jewish prejudice during the late 19th and early 20th centuries with a society generally regarded as democratic and libertarian. But stressing the "transitory" social and economic roots of prejudice, con- tends Dobkowski, professor of religion at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, scholars have...


V. A. Acharkan, in Sovietskoe

~osudarstv~i Pravo (no. 4, 1977), 12 101 9,

Moscow, G-19, ul. Frunze, d. 10.

The Soviet Union, like the United States, feels severe strains on its social security system. Pensioners total 45 million, more than double the 1960 figure; total benefits have risen 2,000 percent since 1950. Moreover, says Acharkan, director of research at Moscow's Institute of Labor, there is mounting evidence that Soviet retirement policies e...

V. A. Acharkan, in Sovietskoe

~osudarstv~i Pravo (no. 4, 1977), 12 101 9,

Moscow, G-19, ul. Frunze, d. 10.

The Soviet Union, like the United States, feels severe strains on its social security system. Pensioners total 45 million, more than double the 1960 figure; total benefits have risen 2,000 percent since 1950. Moreover, says Acharkan, director of research at Moscow's Institute of Labor, there is mounting evidence that Soviet retirement policies e...

young Felipe Gonzalez, won nearly 30 percent of the vote and a role in what may become a competi- tive two-party system. Regional parties and extremist groups (includ- ing Francoists and communists) will have to watch from the wings.
But as Spain strives for representative government, the 300,000-man armed forces still openly exhibit Francoist tendencies. (The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces voiced its "general revulsion" over legali- zation of the Communist Party.) Fascist-trained...

Ukrainians and Mongols, among others) with German and Japanese invaders during World War 11.
Beirut's Road "An Appraisal of Lebanon's Postwar Eco- nomic Development and a Look to the Fu-
to Recovery ture" Samir A. Makdisi, in The Middle East Journal (vol. 31, no. 3, 1977), 1761 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
The long-range economic setback suffered by Lebanon during its 1975-76 civil war can only be estimated, but the magnitude of the devastation is clear. Damage to factories,...

by David Hackett Fische
Oxford, 1977
242 pp. $10.95
L of C 76-42645
