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the selfish desire to increase "max-
imally" his own welfare; using this assumption, he was able to express
economic principles in mathematics. This view-and the mathematical
approach that followed from it-is "more or less intact" in contempo-
rary economics and has been little questioned; nevertheless, claims
Sen, it is mistaken.
Edgeworth's economic model, which held that individual self-
interest would lead to market equilibrium (the point at which no

Soviet authorities if they have a Western follow- ing. But Osnos contends that excessive reliance on the dissident point of view gives Americans a distorted picture, "as oversimplified in a way as Soviet reports about the United States."
ite "The Rhetorical Appeals of Whites to Blacks During Reconstruction" Cal M.
strategy Logue, in Communications Monographs (Aug. 1977), 5205 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Va. 22041.
The Civil War disrupted the white political monopoly in...

Leonard Sussman, in The the Third World Washington Papers (1977), Center for Strategic and International Studies, ~eor~eiown
University, 1800 K St. N.W., Washington,D.C. 20006.
Third World governments are increasingly embittered Western news services-such as Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, and Agence France-Presse-that emphasize natural and manmade dis- asters in underdeveloped nations while ignoring local economic gains. And they view the flow of largely Western information...

Michael J. Arlen, in The New Yorker (Oct. 31, 1977), 25 W. 43rd St.,

New York, N.Y. 10036.

There should-and could-be room on television for all kinds of news programs, says Arlen, the New Yorker's TV critic, but that is not the way television seems to work. "There are trends," he notes, "and the trends point to dollars." The dollars right now point to more "soft" news broadcasts.
Soft news-the "informational entertainment"...

Michael J. Arlen, in The New Yorker (Oct. 31, 1977), 25 W. 43rd St.,

New York, N.Y. 10036.

There should-and could-be room on television for all kinds of news programs, says Arlen, the New Yorker's TV critic, but that is not the way television seems to work. "There are trends," he notes, "and the trends point to dollars." The dollars right now point to more "soft" news broadcasts.
Soft news-the "informational entertainment"...

inducing firms with effec- tive emission control systems to reduce emissions more than is re- quired, while permitting other firms greater leeway. Finally, says Co- hen, Congress should approve stronger economic incentives, such as penalties for delayed compliance.
Viruses and "Viruses and the Biological Control of In- sect Pests" by T. W. Tinsley, in BioScience Pest Control (Oct. 1977), 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington,
Va. 22209.
Farmers rely heavily on chemical sprays to protect field...

, ;, >. A
-. . -
, .
~hesafetyandcostof-coalnrinlagDependheavilyon natural formations beneath the ds sui&ce. Until my, these
ndd&h-d---h c~usedmanyd'broofcave-bthat dkillmioers.Geologicfaultstotheeartfa*~strataposesimilarm

C. S. Mar- Don't Care tinson and J. ~c~ullough, FOO~
in Technology (Sept. 1977), 221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.60601.
Despite aggressive promotion of "natural" products retailers and widespread revelations of potentially hazardous additives in packaged food, American consumers appear to be less worried by the use of chem- ical preservatives in their food than they were four years ago.
Using surveys of the Seattle area conducted in 1974 and 1976, Mar- tinson, a University of Washington...

C. S. Mar- Don't Care tinson and J. ~c~ullough, FOO~
in Technology (Sept. 1977), 221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.60601.
Despite aggressive promotion of "natural" products retailers and widespread revelations of potentially hazardous additives in packaged food, American consumers appear to be less worried by the use of chem- ical preservatives in their food than they were four years ago.
Using surveys of the Seattle area conducted in 1974 and 1976, Mar- tinson, a University of Washington...

Travis Hirschi and Juvenile Crime Michael J. Hindelang, in American
Sociological Review (Aug. 1977), 1722 N
St., N.w., Washington, D.C. 20036.
For the past 50 years, academic criminologists have discounted evi- dence of a relationship between low IQ and delinquency; most textbooks, for example, either ignore the matter or question the corre- lation. Nevertheless, write Hirschi and Hindelang, sociologists at the State University of New York, the facts "strongly support" a relation- ship...
