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Alain Rou~uik, in Etudes (Oct. 1977), 15 R& Monsieur. 75007 Paris, France.
When the military government of General Jorge Rafael Videla seized power in 1976 from President Isabel Peron, Argentinians faced both unbridled terrorism and an annual inflation rate as high as 480 percent. Videla moved quickly to crack down on terrorism. But according to Rouqui6, the terrorist threat is now being used chiefly as an excuse for continued civil repression.
Since the late 1960s, when the current wave of...

M. G. Weinbaum, in Eat Oil The Middle East Journal (Autumn 1977),
1761 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
A 13 percent annual increase in food consumption, together with rural out-migration and sluggish farm productivity, threatens the Shah of Iran's ambition to build an industrial society rivaling those of the West, reports Weinbaum, a political scientist at the University of Illinois. Despite crash programs to spur agricultural development, he contends, food policy has fallen victim to the...

M. G. Weinbaum, in Eat Oil The Middle East Journal (Autumn 1977),
1761 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
A 13 percent annual increase in food consumption, together with rural out-migration and sluggish farm productivity, threatens the Shah of Iran's ambition to build an industrial society rivaling those of the West, reports Weinbaum, a political scientist at the University of Illinois. Despite crash programs to spur agricultural development, he contends, food policy has fallen victim to the...

contrast, Khrushchev's vain effort to adopt a "new" Soviet constitution during the late 1950s and early 1960s was an attempt to bar new Stalinist, "cults of personality" placing more rigid, legal controls over the Soviet system. Meissner, director of the Institute for Eastern Law at the University of Cologne, finds that both these tendencies persist in the draft Soviet Constitution published last spring after two decades of stalemate. (The constitution went into effect last October.)

a mixture of law, regulation, government intervention, and trade union power. These new constraints will cause grumbling, but they will not, he believes, drive the companies home.
"La polftica econ6mica del gobiemo de
One FOwardJ Luis Echeverria (1971-1976): Un primer
Two Steps Back ensayo de interpretaci6n1' [The political
economy of the Luis Echeverria adminis- tration (1971-1976): A preliminary analy- sis] C. Gribornent and M. Rimez, in El Trimestre Economico (0ct.-Dec. 1977) Fondo de...

by Christopher Lasch
Basic Books, 1977
230 pp. $15
L of C 77-75246

by Morton Keller
Harvard, 1977
640 pp. $17.50
Lof C 76-21676

by Nicholas Wade
Walker, 1977
162 pp. $8.95
L of C 76-52575

by E. P. Thompson
Pantheon reissue, 197
829 pp. $17.95
L of C 76-62712

by Glen Caudill Dealy
Univ. of Mass., 1977
134 pp. $10
L of C 77-1423
