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weak internal management, a rigid personnel system, and a lack of long-range planning. At least 65 studies since 1951 have iden- tified these shortcomings, but no corrective action has been taken. Promotion panels still tend to penalize those who seek experience "out- side the stagnant mainstream."
The oversupply of senior officials will increase in the months ahead as a result of a recent Supreme Court decision raising the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 70. This development, combined...

the expropriated companies. The result: confiscation of Cuban merchandise.
Even so, says Zimbalist, increased trade with the United States seems inevitable. Cuba is constructing or refurbishing 27 hotels in ap- parent expectation of a new tourist boom. Americans have not lost their taste for rum and cigars. And Cuba could satisfy some of the U.S. de- mand for sugar and nickel (22 percent of U.S. sugar imports now come from the Philippines, 78 percent of the nickel imports from Canada and Norway)....

Ar- thur Okun, in The Brooking5 Bulletin (Fall But Not Growth 1977), 1775 Massachusetts Ave. N.w.,
Washington, D.C. 20036.
Since the early 1970s the United States has suffered from high unem- ployment and high inflation, a situation new to both American history and economic theory. Successive administrations have responded with traditional monetary and fiscal measures. The failure of these remedies should surprise no one, argues Okun, a Brookings Senior Fellow. "Stagflation"-inflation...

Ar- thur Okun, in The Brooking5 Bulletin (Fall But Not Growth 1977), 1775 Massachusetts Ave. N.w.,
Washington, D.C. 20036.
Since the early 1970s the United States has suffered from high unem- ployment and high inflation, a situation new to both American history and economic theory. Successive administrations have responded with traditional monetary and fiscal measures. The failure of these remedies should surprise no one, argues Okun, a Brookings Senior Fellow. "Stagflation"-inflation...

only major market from which Japan buys manufactured "primary"
goods such as textiles and chemicals-thus making European exports
highly vulnerable to Japan's protectionist forces; and (b) the Japanese
need for a balance-of-payments surplus to pay for their oil imports-
between 1973 and 1976, annual Japanese outlays for Middle Eastern oil
climbed $13.8 billion.
Japan's success in the competitive struggle unleashed by the oil crisis is...

greater degree among nonwhites, are cardiovascular disease, cancer, infant mortality, accidents, and homicide.
The social and economic consequences of attacking early death, Vau- pel writes, are less disruptive than those of extending old age. Reduc- tions in early deaths would be unlikely to produce major demographic changes in the population. Designing programs to deal with the prob- lem will nevertheless be a vast undertaking, Vaupel acknowledges. New funds for "early death" research,...

greater degree among nonwhites, are cardiovascular disease, cancer, infant mortality, accidents, and homicide.
The social and economic consequences of attacking early death, Vau- pel writes, are less disruptive than those of extending old age. Reduc- tions in early deaths would be unlikely to produce major demographic changes in the population. Designing programs to deal with the prob- lem will nevertheless be a vast undertaking, Vaupel acknowledges. New funds for "early death" research,...

turns comic and moving, remained untold for more than a century and a half after his death.
Jackasses of the size and quality Washington's vision demanded were not easily found. The best were Spanish and under export restrictions. For a time the general despaired until he received a royal gift from Spain's Charles I11 of two blooded jacks, one of which survived the Atlantic crossing to reach Mount Vernon in 1785. Lafayette soon sent over another, from Malta.
Breeding proved an uncertain business,...

Alfred Soman, in Annales-Economies. Sociktks, civilisations ("01.32, no. 4, 1977), Librairie Armand Colin, 103 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75240 Paris, France.
Witchcraft trials were common in France during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. During the 17th century, however, the highest court in the land, the Parlement of Paris, began to reduce the sentences meted out to men and women convicted of sorcery.
According to most modern scholars, the Parlement's harsh attitude began to change only...

Alfred Soman, in Annales-Economies. Sociktks, civilisations ("01.32, no. 4, 1977), Librairie Armand Colin, 103 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75240 Paris, France.
Witchcraft trials were common in France during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. During the 17th century, however, the highest court in the land, the Parlement of Paris, began to reduce the sentences meted out to men and women convicted of sorcery.
According to most modern scholars, the Parlement's harsh attitude began to change only...
